News One article, Report: 1 in 4 Americans completing High School late, students lag behind other countries informs the reader of how the American students are falling behind because schools are not teachig the proper curriculum and how it could possibly effect the economy.
In the article it states, "America's economy will suffer if schools don't step up their game." Schools need to start teaching the curriculum students need to actually learn something and they need to start pushing the students to do better so that the student will get motivated and graduate on time, or at least not drop out.
President Obama says, "despite resources that are unmatched in anywhere in the world, we have let our grades slip, our schools crumble, our teachers quality fall short, and other nations out place us." We have resources that no other place does; however, those place with lesser resources are doing better than the American school systems? Nice job America. Why is the education of this country's future leaders not important? If the student do not get educated properly in school then the students will not do well in life after. Examples being: some won't gradate, some wont graduate on time, some wont go to college. All this runs the risk of people not being educated enough to preform a job. Less job means less money and less money mean trouble for the economy.
In the article The Commisoner wrote, "If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. How did we get into the position where the future of the economy, and the people was predicted to be a horrible outcome? What happened to the times when we fought hard for the education we deserved and wouldn't let anybody mess with it? America needs to step up, and do what needs to be done, before we reach the worst possible outcome.
Picture my 3rd grade self as the year 1955, and then picture my 12th grade self as the present day. My 3rd grade self(1955) strived to do so well in school and then we get to my 12th grade self(present day) who should be aiming to do the absolute best I can to futher my education, but just doing enough to keep from failing. I made the connection that my life over the years is like the changing educational values throught the years.
So, will the school systems ever step up and provide the curriculum needed to learn and further the education of the students so that the economy is not at a high risk? If the schools don't step up then the future of our country's economic state is at a high risk.
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