Friday, October 12, 2012

Current Connections #2

Article title: "Obama Vs. Romney"

What's the author's purpose?: To inform the reader about the candidates running for president.

With what ideas do you agree?: That it could be a very close call when the elections come around.

With what ideas do you disagree with?: That people don't know what they want.

What connections can you make with the text?: World: Obsama has been President for a while but that could change.

How can i become a more active participant in my learing? By doing more research and learning more about the topic.

Current Connections #1

Article title: "Can Obama persuade voters to turn to him again?"

What is the author's main idea within this article?: To show that Obama's Campaign is broken.

With what ideas do you agree?: Obama failed as President.

With what ideas do you disagree: "But Obama might be able to persuade just enough voters to take a chance again and that would be good enough."

What connections can you make with the text? Self: Im a U.S. citizen and i don't think that he is right for our country.

How can i become a more active participent in my learning? How can i take responsiblitiy for my learning? By understanding what im learning and asking more questions.