Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Current Connection Living on Caffeine

The article written by Veronique Greenwood describes how scientists have recently discovered a bacterium that can derive energy by consuming caffeine, essentially making the phrase, "living on caffeine," literal.

In may scientist discovered that a new bacterium could live for several months off of just caffeine and why humans can't. In the article, Veronique Greenwood states, "it sparked many tongue-in-cheek headlines and ledes. "Bacteria survives on caffeine (like me)." "If you can’t live without a cup of coffee…" "Think you live on caffeine?" It all came down to one simple question... Why can't humans live on caffeine? Humans can't live in caffeine because while it will keep you energized and going for awhile it doesn't give off any energy so eventually you would be so tired you just couldn't go on.

Pseudomonas putida, the be bacteria, doesn't have the same problem humans do. In the article it reads "Pseudomonas putida CBB5, and several related bacteria that scientists have known about for years, who get all the calories they need from it."-[Caffeine]. The bacterium doesn't need the calories that humans need so getting just enough energy for them is alright.

Veronica states, "The specific reason caffeine isn’t an energy source for us, thus, is that we don’t have the gear to digest derivatives further." Living on on caffeine could be a total possibility if not foe the fact that our bodys are lacking in what they can digest, the new bacteria however hangs on to the caffeine and keep going going going off it.

While reading this article, I started to remember something I read in Biology about Anaerobic organism, Anaerobic organisms can live for year without oxygen, at the time there were many questions sparked about why humans can't live without oxygen.

In conclusion, Veronique Greenwood tells us of the possibilities of someday maybe being able to live off caffeine but not right now.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Current Connection

In a recent article " Doping scandal costs Lance Armstrong sponsors, charity role " By Michael Pearson, CNN explains to us why Lance Armstrong is being accused of doping and losing sponsers.

Michael Pearson, a reporter for CNN, states, "In its report, released last week, the anti-doping agency made public testimony from Armstrong's teammates and others who said Armstrong was among team members who used banned performance-enhancing substances and tried to hide it from testing officials." Lance Armstrong had been a target for years. He's stayed strong and denied the accusations made against him, but is now possibly too tired of defending his name? The problem I have with the statement made above is that if his teammate has supossedly known about it all this time why wait until now? What was the point in waiting so long, if the alligations are ture then why after all these years of Lance getting away with it did his teammate decide it was time for people to know the true?

Lance Armstrongs's sponsers have been backing out because of these accusations made against him. Michael Pearson states, "Nike, which initially stood by Armstrong, dropped him Wednesday with a terse statement citing what it called "seemingly insurmountable evidence" that he participated in doping." Nike dropped Armstrong as soon as he didnt deny the alligations made by a former teammate, tell me how its right that the word of maybe ten individuals stands without proper investigations being held. If these alligations against Armstrong are false then this is probably one of the biggest disgraces of his life, think about.. Winning something that means everthing to you, then getting called a cheater having your trophies taken away, having people think bad when they hear your name? It just sounds awful.

Lance Armstrong's life is going to be forever changed because of these accusations, He is now banned from protecipating in many compitions including any events sanctioned by the U.S. Olympic governing bodies, in the article it was stated, "The report is part of USADA's request to international cycling officials to strip Armstrong of his seven Tour de France titles. The International Olympic Committee is also reviewing the evidence and could consider revoking Armstrong's bronze medal from the 2000 Sydney games. Armstrong is already banned from competing in events sanctioned by U.S. Olympic governing bodies." I don't know what's worse having people believe you're a cheater or not being able to do what you love because of it. Armstrong's principles are being questions, people who once thought Armstrong to be inspriational, a hero are now wondering if he shoould be known as such a thing.

As I was reading this article my mind started to wonder back to when Manny Pacquiao, A boxer, was accused of taking steriods. Manny Pacquiao was constantly being accused and put down for "using" just like Lance is now. Manny lost sponsers and he also lost the titles he won because of the accusations.

In conclusion, Micheal Pearson tells his reader the reasons that Lance Armstrong is losing fans, Sponsers, his dignity and so much more.